Update From the Reserve – December 2022
Well, this year has gone fast! There have been so many highlights that we need your help to choose the best one. Read on as we relive our favourite moments from the year and you can vote for the kittens’ names. We will announce them in the new year!
Vote for your highlight of the year!
Thanks to your continued loyalty and support, this year is brimming with milestones and moments worth celebrating. So take a journey with us down memory lane, and please tell us – what is your favourite moment of 2022? Vote by simply filling in the form below.
- The first footage from the Kilnaish Reserve
- The World’s Largest Bug Hotel
- The rescue and release of brother & sister fox cubs
- Bute the rescue hedgehog, nursed back to health
- 3 surprise kittens
- The Reserve webcam back up and running
- The 2022 Gathering of our Lords & Ladies
- The antics of Iona & Skye, the Reserve Pigs
Rocking Robin (& Friends)
Squirrel Rock has become a real hive of activity, day and night, with sightings of chaffinch, jays and robins! They look to have figured out the time of day that the nuts are replenished with many of our feathered friends there and waiting.
The Reserve is alive with the sound of music
We had great fun with a visit from Grant MacLeod, the Munro Bagpiper. He has been working his way through the Scottish munros playing his bagpipes and this month he stopped by to visit our Glencoe Reserve. A video is coming soon of his time with us and we will be sure to share it with you all to enjoy!
Clip of the Month: The Thieving Pine Marten
Take a watch of this thieving, but very clever, Pine Marten! He is able to unscrew the fatball bird feeder and steal the contents, all in one go, rather than nibble of little pieces through the wire cage! Yet another instance of the animals outsmarting us!
What you should do next...
- Browse our plots to claim your title of Lord or Lady of the Glen
- Discover the masjetic Kilnaish Estate
- View our fun gifts and accessories, inspired by the Scottish Highlands