Update From the Reserve – July 2022
Midsummer madness as the Reserve is busier than ever. Have a read about some of the recent moves and visitors we have had this month!
Work on Kilnaish

We are delighted to share that work has started on our newest Reserve – Kilnaish. The Kilnash Estate is home to stunning west coast scenery and has obtained SSSI* and SAC (Special Area of Conservation) status. To keep In line with the regulations associated with these, the work will be minimal, but we now have the sign-up standing proudly and we have even started to roll and crush a lot of the bracken to help promote bio-diversity across the Reserve. In addition to this, there is also now a small access track with a small car park for any Lords or Ladies that wish to visit, but note that this space is not suitable for campervans, and the strict ‘no overnight parking’ rule applies here and across all our Reserves.
*Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) are those areas of land and water that we consider best represent our natural heritage in terms of their: flora (plants), fauna (animals), geology (rocks) and geomorphology (landforms).
Forever Home For Injured Hedgehogs

This month you all voted to hear more about our Forever Home for Injured Hedgehogs. As hedgehog numbers have been declining at a rapid rate, and the species has now been classified as vulnerable to extinction, we are particularly proud of our Forever Home for Injured Hedgehogs. The Forever Home acts as both a welcome stop-gap while they build their strength and recover from injury, and provides a safe place for those with long-lasting complications to live out the rest of their days. Having this facility means that we never have to turn away a spikey friend in need, allowing us to play our part in much-needed conservation. Our Hedgehog Forever Home was even featured on a local television show – Don’t waste Scotland – Take a watch of the clip here.
We have just had 6 new arrivals in the last week from Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue Centre. This motley crew are settling in well and once they have had a bit of TLC, such as de-ticking, and have put on a bit of weight, they should be well enough to be released.
Welcome Lord Le Blanc

A couple of weeks ago we were delighted to welcome Lost Le Blanc and Ruby to our Duror Reserve- or should we say Lord Le Blanc and Lady Ruby? They made a video about the experience and it always a pleasure to see Scotland and the Highland Titles experience through the eyes of others. Take a look.
Good to BEE home

On our recent walk, we heard a lot of buzzing around a squirrel box. On closer inspection, it turns out that the bees have found a new residence. To be fair to them the new digs are warm and have lovely views. Have a watch of the video here.
Clip of the Month: The Pig Move
It feels like we only just recovered from our last attempt at moving the pigs – Iona and Skye – to their most recent enclosure, but it is amazing how fast they clear a space so we were on the move again. Their new enclosure is where we felled the Sitka trees so they will stay for a couple of months as they clear the ground, preparing it for re-planting in the autumn. In this move, we went in expecting to be humbled and outsmarted by the dynamic duo and sure enough, they didn’t make it easy. Take a watch of the clips to find out how we got on!
What you should do next...
- Browse our plots to claim your title of Lord or Lady of the Glen
- Discover the masjetic Kilnaish Estate
- View our fun gifts and accessories, inspired by the Scottish Highlands