Guide to Purchasing Lord and Lady Titles
Buying a traditional ‘Lord’ title or Lady title for most people is typically a long and near-impossible process. If you’re not born into royalty, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever get the chance to truly experience what it feels like to have an official royal title. Eligible and accessible princes and princesses are a little thin on the ground, after all.
Luckily here at Highland Titles, we offer our community the opportunity to style themselves as Lairds, Lords, and Ladies of the Glen (our registered trademark) by simply purchasing a souvenir plot of Scottish land.
Whilst you can’t actually buy a title of Scottish nobility, our gift is a fun, novelty and affordable gift.
We have put together a handy guide explaining how you can buy a title of Scottish nobility, what you can expect to pay, and how that compares to buying a title gift pack from Highland Titles.
![]() Traditional Title Terminology | ![]() How do you get the title Lord or Lady? | ![]() Buying the titles ‘Lord’ and ‘Lady’ |
Explaining Traditional Title Terminology
UK Lordship Titles
The term ‘Lord’ dates back to 1066 when William the Conqueror gave his loyal barons a share of land and a title each and invited them to commune in a Royal Council. It is a term associated with nobility, prestige and peerage today as Lordships are largely inherited, married into, purchased for large sums or bestowed very rarely by the Prime Minister and the Royal Family.
UK Lady Titles
The term ‘Lady’ is the female version of the word Lord and a Ladyship title is the equivalent of a Lordship Title and just as illustrious.
Scottish Laird Titles
Laird is a Scottish word that translates into English as Lord. Laird titles were traditional courtesy titles afforded to Scottish landowners and people who worked on the estate. Indeed, the word Laird means ‘landowner’. In the context of Scottish lordship, a Laird is an individual who owns a specific piece of land in Scotland. By that definition, you might be wondering if owning land in Scotland makes you a Lord, Laird or Lady? Owning land means that you can style yourself as a Laird or Lady, however, this is of course not the same as other historical Scottish lordships such a barony title and does not make you a peer of the realm.
How to get a Lord or Lady title
A title of Scottish nobility can be gained in 3 ways:
- Buying a barony title. These titles are centuries old and were once attached to a specific area of land. In 2004, these titles became detached from the land and changed from territorial dignities to personal dignities. If you want to buy a title of Scottish nobility, it will cost tens of thousands of pounds.
- Marriage. If you don’t want to buy a title, then you could try marrying a person with the current ‘Lord’ title or ‘Lady’ title.
- House of Lords. Receiving an appointment to the House of Lords (which can only be achieved through nomination by the Prime Minister and then confirmation from the Queen).

Not exactly a simple, cheap or easy process!
How much does it cost to buy a title?
How much is a Lordship title?
Lordships (sometimes known as ‘Lord of the Manor’) tend to be the most frequently bought and sold titles in England. To give you an idea of how much you might need to spend if you were to buy a lordship, the title ‘Lordship of the manor of Wimbledon’ sold for over £150,000 in the late 90s. Keep in mind that traditional titles, like other types of investment, generally increase in value over time. So the cost of this Lordship now could easily be double the price it sold for initially. Celebrities have been known to buy Lord titles – a famous example would be when Chris Eubank bought the moniker Lordship of the Manor of Brighton in 1996. Eubank paid around £45,000 for the title in 1996, but the title has actually steadily lost value since then (although it is still worth a hefty £35,000).
How much is a Lady title?
Traditional lady titles are less often bought and sold, so there is less information about how much it would cost to buy a lady title. However, the costs involved are very similar, as typically you’ll only receive a Lady of the Manor title if you buy a manor house.
Alternatively, you can purchase a Highland Titles souvenir plot of land and style yourself as a Lord or Lady for as little as £30!
Owning a Title from Highland Titles

Is a Highland Titles title the same as a nobility title?
When you buy a souvenir plot from Highland Titles, you get permission to use our registered trademarks, and style yourself as a Laird, Lord or Lady of the Glen and join our 300,000+ community. This is lighthearted fun and celebrates your legal ownership of a souvenir plot of Scottish land, which you can refer to as your ‘estate’!
This, of course, is not the same as having a hereditary title or if you were to buy a title of nobility, but gives you the opportunity to style yourself as such, which can afford some of the same fantastic perks. Our luckiest customers have shared stories of everything from flight upgrades to preferential treatment.
Unlike other products, by joining our community of Lairds, Lords or Ladies you join a community of more than 300,000 likeminded people.
Can my Laird, Lord or Lady title be used on legal documents?
Most people ask about passports, but passports don’t have any title field – not even Mr, Ms or Mrs – so that’s not possible.
Some customers have used a deed poll document to change their name from, for example, John Smith to Lord John Smith, and have then had their bank cards updated with their new name.
Do I have a legal title to the land?
When you purchase a Highland Titles plot, you obtain a personal right to a souvenir plot of land.
There is a difference between a ‘personal’ right and a real right of ownership. So what is a real right of ownership?
The Registers of Scotland have stated
“A real right of ownership in land (in the sense of a right that is enforceable against third parties) can only be obtained by registration in the Land Register or by recording a deed in the Register of Sasines as appropriate.”
We are quite clear that Highland Titles plots cannot be registered in the official Land Register because these are souvenir plots. This means that any rights over the land are of a personal nature between Highland Titles and our Lairds, Lords, and Ladies.
The rights obtained by our customers would not be sufficient to obtain planning permission, which would be prohibited in any case.
What can I do with my land?
There are plenty of lovely things you can do with your small piece of Scotland, including planting a tree or scattering ashes. All of our Lairds, Lords and Ladies have the opportunity to come and visit their plot and enjoy a walk and a picnic. It’s also a great opportunity to see the plethora of wildlife that your land is helping to conserve for yourself!
We hope that you have found our guide informative. If you would like to join us and become a Laird, Lord or Lady of the Glen you can purchase a souvenir plot of land here:
Cash For Honours – Can You Buy A Title?
The “Cash for Honours” scandal was a political scandal in the United Kingdom which began in 2006, involving allegations that certain individuals had made large donations to the governing Labour Party in exchange for nominations for peerages or other honours.
The scandal began in 2006 when Tony Blair was the Prime Minister, when it was revealed that several individuals who had made large donations to the Labour Party had been nominated for peerages. This raised concerns that the donations were essentially a way of buying a place in the House of Lords.
An investigation was launched, and several people were arrested and questioned by police. Ultimately, no charges were brought against anyone, and the investigation was criticised for being somewhat politically motivated.
The scandal had a significant impact on the Labour Party’s reputation, and led to calls for reform of the honours system and the way that political donations are regulated in the UK. It remains a controversial episode in recent British political history.
According to Debrett’s, people have been buying titles for over 100 years and it has always created controversy.